Dec 23, 2019
End of year lists that honor the memories of celebrities and prominent figures are a tradition that this podcast has passed up in recent years. A deeper look at the list of prominent TV women lost in 2019 calls out not just the well-known women - usually actors - but also those who built careers behind the scenes.
Oct 19, 2019
TV is once again attempting to bring legendary "girl detective" Nancy Drew to life. We dust off our very first episode for a look at past attempts to put the hugely popular Nancy Drew mysteries on the small screen. The book series' backstory is a fascinating look at ego & the evolution of publishing. Excerpts are...
Sep 21, 2019
Refreshing the writing and timeline of a 2016 episode, Advanced TV Herstory examines the most basic elements of an event that changed the lives of American women.
It captivated millions of viewers and was talked about by millions more. Before #MeToo, Weinstein, Kavanaugh and Cosby, Anita Hill's testimony before the...
Aug 16, 2019
The topic of Hollywood Blacklisting has recently added a chapter - the impact it had on the budding TV industry, and more specifically, women.
Researched and backed by FBI files of author/scholar Dr. Carol Stabile (University of Oregon), this 4 episode series mentions names of talented women whose careers were...
Aug 2, 2019
The topic of Hollywood Blacklisting has recently added a chapter - the impact it had on the budding TV industry, and more specifically, women.
Researched and backed by FBI files of author/scholar Dr. Carol Stabile (University of Oregon), this 4 episode series mentions names of talented women whose careers were...